Friday, March 25, 2011

Sure is dusty around here....

So yeah, it's been a's everyone doing? And by everyone, I pretty much mean Sarah, my one and only follower, and the 3 or 4 lurkers who have commented on a post I've written....

Well, Piggy is back! I've realized that blogging is much like keeping a diary when I was younger. And I miss it, so dear blogosphere, you're stuck with reading more about my life (or lack thereof) and having my views and opinions shoved oh-so-gracefully down your throat...cuz this is the internets, and we can do that.

I've recently come across a few blogs that, while could technically be called mommy blogs, they are funny, and irreverent, and snarky, and dammit, just make me laugh.

First up, Mary Anne at The Stiletto Mom ( Let me tell you, I laughed my ass off, I cried, and laughed some more. See despite my super-cool exterior, and amazing aura of confidence, I have doubts. I don't always think I'm the greatest mom, or best daughter, or model employee, and that can get you a little down. Add to that my non-existent social life and you've got me all ready to pack up and run away. Is it really that bad? No, probably not, but that doesn't make it any less real. And then I read about how Mary Anne is so winning the mother of the year award and I realize, you know what? Being a mom is tough....not just for me, but ALL moms, and we make it through, because that's what moms do. And then all is right with the world and I feel a little better.

Next we have Lynn at All Fooked Up ( I mean seriously, the name alone can make you smile. I found Lynn through The Stiletto Mom, and she is just as hilarious. And real....she curses, she's sarcastic and unapologetic. I love it. I have done zero work today thanks to catching up on all her posts I never knew I wanted to read....

so, now that my little rant is over, I'd like to conclude by saying I've missed the blogosphere, and I'm back bitches!

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